Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Comments On the 3DS Ambassador Program & News

Nintendo has finished the list of games that 3DS early adopters (3DS Ambassadors) will receive for free in response to the recent price drop on the system. The list includes both NES games and GBA games for the virtual console on the 3DS's eShop. While the NES games will eventually be released to the general public, the GBA games, which are the only GBA games being released so far for the 3DS, will only be released for the 3DS Ambassadors. This, in my opinion, is outrageous.

I would think that the point of being a video game developer would be to RELEASE games, not withhold them. I hope that this is not the full story from Nintendo, and we will receive a good explanation for this. Is this just a ploy to make the Ambassadors feel special and they plan on releasing the games at a later date, whenever they release the GBA games in general on the eShop, or is the release date for the GBA games too far off to officially release info on it?

I have been a fan of Nintendo since I was a child, and even began gaming on a SNES, so I really hope that Nintendo has not decided to get into the business of withholding games that apparently run well enough to use as a PR stunt to win back there fans. I like you Nintendo, but sometimes your business decisions can be questionable.

I haven't been updating my blog recently, but I have had renewed interest in writing as of late. For now I will mostly be posting my commentary on recent gaming news and updates of my CGT 245 project, but may explore other avenues for blogging topics. For now the Nuzlocke Challenge has been suspended indefinitely, because of a lack of interest, but I may pick it up at a later date assuming I have renewed interest in it.

For anyone reading this, I do not currently have any type of following, but I hope to write something of interest, and get to a point where I can write consistently enough that you can guarantee a post at least once a week. Also, do not be afraid to post. I am welcome to any comments, whether it be on my writing style, choice of content, etc. as long as it is not in the realm of flaming or super-ego. I am obviously new to the blogging scene, but hope to work on my writing skills with this blog.

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